Wednesday 12 August 2015

August 12th 2015 bully

wolffox939 - logged in this morning to this. They want me to die in a fire. I've heard this death threat so many times it actually bores me now lol. Report and block wolffox939 for bullying, safety and inappropriate Jamaa-gram!

Hey haters. I know jealousy hurts, but love me or hate me, you're still thinking about me, which means I win. ;)


  1. that's actually pretty disturbing. would wolffox939 have the heart to say that if (s)he knew either of the two firefighters who recently died protecting people from the state-of-emergency-inducing wildfires in california.

  2. we were talking about FNAF songs and I was telling her about the livingtombstone's " I hope you die in a fire " but, this was the moment she was waiting for, she snapped a picture of it and posted it. now you know the real story!

    1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      (Note: I am not the same as the above Anonymous. Or any other Anonymous.)
      Well, "wolffox939", where is your proof? Show us your past conversation with "firetigerx" about Five Nights at Freddy's. Give us a recording of another Jam-a-Gram or an on-screen conversation or chat archive. After all, you're innocent until proven guilty...and while you have been proven guilty, "firetigerx" has not.

    2. Uh, why couldn't you say that in chat, and not in messages? Obviously you didn't want others to find out.

  3. Except I don't know you and we have never met or spoken even once before you sent me that death threat. The lies and spam you are attempting on my blog are very amusing, but keep up your lame attempts at backpedaling. I find them hilarious. You got caught being a bully. Deal with it.

    1. Although it sucks theyre bullying you, don't you think by posting them your giving them EXACTLY what they want, attention?

    2. On the one hand, yeah I know they want attention, on the other hand it's really important people know who are bullies in the game are so they can be blocked immediately.

  4. Lol today I got a comment on one of my videos from the scammer in it, saying they didn't scam anymore. I checked out there channel, and there newest video was a Membership Giveaway. (Obviously they plan to give someone membership, then use the code to hack them, as people with your membership code can control your account.)
    10/10 goes to this person for such amazing skillz
    Sarcasm noted :P

  5. Come to think of it, dying in a fire would actually be nice because you'd get a nice heat bath right before you die.

    By the way, an update on Blue: This guy still can't get over the fact that he's a 15 year old, wasting his time insulting people he barely knows over a game made for children 8 years younger than him. He's been insulting me and trying to convince me and my friends that we're useless, lol.
