Sunday 11 November 2012

November 3rd, 2012

princesslaunrenk (member) - this scammer was saying she would send two spikes to anyone who sent her one. This should be an obvious scam since she would not prove she has any spikes at all by wearing them or putting them on trade or trading them fairly. She will just run away with any rare sent her way because that's what scammers who say things that sound to good to be true do.


  1. Wow. Long day of stopping scammers.

  2. I don't understand why people didn't realize this. If she supposidly had 2 spikes, why would she want 1 for 2? I know that she did not have one, but seriously, a very bad scam.
    ~wanna be ninja, penutbutterjellytime

  3. I know another spike scammer!! Princesslayla, I believe.
