Monday 2 July 2012

July 2nd, 2012

BlueArctic (non-member) - this person was claiming that she would give non-member scary bat wings to anyone who traded her a rare item for the non-rares on her trade list. Wouldn't prove she had the wings and proudly proclaimed that she succeeded in scamming someone before running away.

annelise39053 (member) - this person, because she was angry I could not buddy her (my buddy list is always full) sent me jamaagrams saying that she is a Decline All Trades scammer and that I will never catch her... except that I have the jamaagrams of her admission as evidence. Some scammers are hilariously unintelligent.


  1. Ello fire :p its been a long time. Its me luckystar20

  2. By Betaqueen. ^

  3. I am so angry! I was just hanging out in the township and a jammer called exodus123 comes up and claims I scammed his headddress! This makes me really sad because I fairly traded my headdress for a golden legend glove at the day they came out as a member gift. As you search his username you can he hasn't got any rares at all and was just trying to guilt trip me into sending my headdress.
    ~A sad fantasy4

    1. Yes, one scamming tactic that heartless people use is to try and bully someone into giving up their rares by making false accusations and trying to pressure them with public embarassment. This is one of the worst kinds of scamming in my opinion because it is cyberbullying. The best way to deal with people like this is to stay calm (because they WANT you to get upset and react badly) and to just laugh at their pathetic attempts to scam.

  4. Here's a link of exodus123 saying me to give back 'his' headdress:
    ~fantasy4 (still very angry & sad)
