Tuesday 17 July 2012

July 13th, 2012

forward (member) - this person was beging for rare items as free gifts, claiming that everything they owned had just "disappeared." It is possible that they may have been hacked, but as unfortunate as that is it still doesn't mean they deserve rares for free. When you get hacked or scammed, you pick yourself up and you start over.


  1. :( It was my B-Day there should not be scamming on my B-Day !!!

  2. Sorry I was hacked but you can't say that on limited chat. I got really mad because I was stocking up on items and then the next day they were all gone :(
    Sorry for begging I won't beg anymore and I'm starting over now, all the way over....D:


  3. that person said he was rarer than me when he has NO RARES at all, if you want to look me up,i'm funnyhahahaha i have gazelles and stuff :P i like your blog too
