Saturday 2 June 2012

June 2nd, 2012

TERIOR (member) - this person was saying "Send me a rare and win both my legend gloves." Yeah right - they will just run away with the rare when you sent it too them, because that is how this scam always works.


  1. I have a Submission. Theres a hacker/scammer i wanted you to please ad to your list. Her name is SmileyCrayon, and she tried to get online to my account saying she wanted to make me 'cool'. This was the convo:

    Me (Jamaa Township): You look Awesome!

    Her: Thanks! Will you trade your Monthly Member Gift (Legendary Glove) For my Lava one?

    Me: (goes to her den & we trade Gloves)

    She goes to my den & look around, saying i needed help decorating.

    Me: Then tell me where to put stuff.

    Her: I can help you decorate

    Me: You want to go on my animal?

    Her: Yes

    Me: Hmmmm... No thanks.

    (Getting Suspicious)

    Her: Fine Then You Little BRAT!

    (Whole lot of insults screamed at me)

    Me: I knew you where a scammer & a hacker.

    Her: I'm not!! I'm trying to make you cool!!

    Me: Your going online on the Scammer List. Get out!

    (She dis-adds me)

    Her: I'd be glad to.

    Thats all. Can you put this on your list?

    1. I can only add people who I see scamming with my own eyes, but your comment has been published and people can read it and decide for themselves if they meet that person. Thank you for the warning.

  2. Omg, today he becamse my buddy <:(

  3. gametime770 scammed my clover and said she never knew me!!!! i hate her she is soo stupid
