Tuesday 8 September 2015


pinkamenadienepiepp - this person was saying she would send a spike to whoever sent her the best gift in a Jamaa-gram, but when asked to prove she had it she said it was on a storage (so basically admitting she doesn't have one). Then she changed it to sending a beta. When she realized who I was she started threatening to hack people, trying to make people feel sorry for her and telling people to report me for scamming. (Unfortunately I missed screen capping where she threatened to hack people because my screen capture device overloaded and i had to take a few seconds to reload it.)


  1. The scammer should at least admit they did wrong, instead of playing the victim card, putting the blame on others, throwing a tantrum or running away like most do. A few weeks ago I remember there was one would-be scammer who actually stopped and apologized to me when I told them they were a scam! And then we went and did an adventure together to get rares with our own hard work. I forgot their username, but the point is, that scammers can always choose to stop, so in this person's case they're simply a coward.

  2. Hmmmm that pinkamenadienapiepp person is really familiar... I think I saw her once

  3. Fire, I had my first day of middle school today :D
    It was fun and all my teachers are really nice and I made friends :D

    1. Yeah my first day of school was also today! I am glad you made some new friends and your teachers are nice! :)
