Sunday 9 December 2012

December 9th, 2012

supkelsey614 (member) - this person was saying they would give a Leopard Code if anyone sent them a rare. The code they have is obviously fake or they would have used it themselves. They will just run away after recieveing the rare and giving the fake code.


  1. Omg! I just met firetigerx on animal jam! I'm talking to firetigerx right now! she/he is the best! they gave me candy cane lights! (They rare now)! I'll never forget this day!

    1. um i actually have a question for firetigerx. I am starting a agency myself it is called Ember Agency i was wondering if you could be an ally to us and like advertize us on your blog plz?

    2. you shouldn't forget it that sounds very cool!
