Thursday 30 August 2012

August 30th, 2012

Jammer65371 (member) - this dude tried the Lion Code scam on me, but I am not entirely sure if he was serious or just trying to troll me. Either way I found it amusing. Short but slightly amusing video can be seen here.

wolftaylr (member) - this person was trying the Decline All Trades scam. When I and other good Jammers confront her for scamming she tries to deflect from her own scamming and call me a scammer. LOL!

ave816 (member) - this person was also trying the Decline All Trades scam.

hiibye (non-member) - this person was offering to give away two bow and arrows at their den for "free" (yeah right, lol) as well as trying the Lion Code scam.

Wolftaylr, ave816 and hiibye were all in Jamma Township trying to scam at the same time. It's a little chaotic, but here is the video. It's a little crazy, but I was having so much fun at the time. I love my job of scammer hunting sometimes, I really do! =D

AwesomeCoolGirl20 (non-member) - this person was claiming to be giving away 3 lion codes and 6 regular membership codes at her den... yet didn't even have membership herself. If it sounds too good to be true, that's because IT IS! She's trying to feed into people's greed so she can scam them. Video here.


  1. I have a story about wolftaylr... One day when I got online she said "Trade me I decline!" I flash traded her, then she complained that I HAVE to trade normaly. She also said that she would send a letter to AJHQ about me being rude and not trading normaly. I guess she thought that would ban me. :l Her friend Dacuri41 said that it wasn't a scam. so I tried just to prove wolftaylr was a scammer, and guess what? She accpeted the trade. Dacuri apologized that Wolftaylr accpeted. Appearently I keep finding wolftaylr scamming through out the day. I was planning to tell AJHQ but I forgot how to send letters to then. XD. Dacuri said that Wolftaylr either recyled the item, or gave it to a friend.


    P.S Long story :D

  2. I was the red monkey with the fox hat, but my user got hacked. DX I had mevv, so I decided to use it. After, I changed to XXFireFoxX because my password was easy to guess.
    -XXFireFoxX- P.S. PINK IS SCARY!
