Saturday 23 June 2012

June 23rd, 2012

oreo729 (member) - This person was trying to trick people into sending rare items as free gifts by saying "First person to send me a rare gets a worn or a spike no scam." Ran away when I confronted him/her about it being an obvious scam.


  1. Can you post about solidblue02? I really wanna know if he still scams or if he stopped.


  2. POProx72 tried the lion code scam.
    Someone traded her, then she tried saying she didnt get it.
    Left when me and another jammer said, "Scam!"

  3. when you are scammed for the lion code when they ask for your account user and password and they hack it and play on it or steal things, change your password to prevent that. (in the future) JUST SOME GOOD ADVICE EVERYONE :P
