Sunday 23 October 2011

October 23rd, 2011

rosebudd22 (member) - this person was begging for free item gifts (including rare items) using the "It's my birthday today" scam.

ki33021 (member) - begging for gifts using the "It's my birthday today" scam.

DragonGoddess23343 - this non-member was trying to scam using the "I decline all trades" scam.

Hp4evr (member) - this person was scamming buy saying "If you want my extra member account send me a rare glove."

clawdeen7070 (member) - this member was saying she would give a lion membership code to anyone who sent her rare items as free gifts. Lions can only be obtained by buying gift cards and can only be activated by the person who bought it.

HER9831 (member) - begging for unwanted items. Is wearing rare items and has rares on trade list.

maggaro (member) - this person was being for gifts using the "It's my birthday today" scam.

xtreme7 - this non-member was saying that they would give a free membership giftcard to anyone who would trade them rare items for their non-rares. When I asked them why they did not have a membership themselves, xtreme7 ran away.

disney1580 (member) - begging for gifts of any kind.

charjack10 - this non-member was claiming to be giving out free membership codes at his den. If he has free membership codes then why is he not a member?


  1. it may be something charjack10 read off the internet

    1. True I guess. I had not thought of that. Still it seems strange to me that a non-member would know about free membership and not have that said free membership.

    2. hey remember the internet is full of lies!so maybe charjack10 read it off the internet and did not know it was a lie.

    3. Very true, Hey he might of looked right off the internet! Btw, if anyone says "I got hacked.." that's a scam! ~ In case you're wondering, I'm a52259!~

  2. my username on animal jam is luigi07 just so you know

  3. Hey! In case someone tries to scam, here are some scams <3 : 1. "I got hacked! send me unwanted items!" 2. "I'm poor! send me Rare items please!" 3. "Send me a rare! it's my B-Day!" (the b-day scam is bad, don't fall for that scam!) 4. "I got scammed! send me unwanted items!!" (total huge scam, if they got scammed then, they'll sure get scammed again :T) See you jammers! I love you all! a52259 over and out! :)
