Tuesday 11 October 2011

October 11th, 2011

jello12784 (member) - this person was saying "Send me rares (as free item gifts) and I'll send you six of my gloves!" When people would send him things, jello would deny they were rares and not send the gloves and not return the items sent.

barredowl (member) - this person was begging for free item gifts, saying it's for "charity."

stosherpants (member) - this member was begging for free item gifts using the "It's my birthday today" scam.

cutiepatooti492 (member) - this person was begging for unwanted den items, saying she's "poor" - something she could resolve if she went and played games for a few minutes.

zoeyfish468 (member) - this person was begging for free item gifts. Claims she's poor.

rockie12345 (member) - this person was begging for free item gifts using the "It's my birthday today" scam.

Choc177 (member) - this person was begging for free item gifts using the "It's my birthday today!" scam.

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